Genova Diagnostics
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  • Hormonal Health

Targeting the Root Causes of Stress

November 17, 2021


While most of us think of the HPA axis as a "stress" responding system (which it is), we often forget to place the HPA axis into its larger context, that of metabolic regulator. In fact, when we look at the classic HPA axis signaling molecules (i.e., CRH, ACTH, and Cortisol) we find that they regulate a wide range of metabolic functions in both stress and unstressed environments.

This webinar will help orient the clinician to a number of other pathways by which the HPA axis functions to modulate and coordinate normal (and stress-induced) metabolism. We will especially focus on the circadian metabolism and show the important connection between the light/dark entrainment of the central clock and the nutrient signals that function at the peripheral clocks. The importance of finding a robust circadian cortisol rhythm (rather than merely the relative levels of cortisol) will be emphasized. Finally, understanding that responding to a metabolic crisis and anticipating a metabolic crisis can elicit the same HPA axis response, help underline the importance of addressing psychosocial stressors in at-risk subjects.

Learning Objectives
  • Reframe the Stress Response within the larger metabolic function of the HPA axis
  • Describe additional components of the HPA axis as key metabolic signals
  • Discuss the function of circadian metabolism as a primary regulator of the HPA axis
  • Define the Responsive and Anticipatory signals that Trigger the HPA axis